Believe verb = glawva (as in to trust something as true, or to soften a statement)Ich kanns nett glawva!Si zayla da gans dawk bleiva, glawb ich. Mocking noun = shpoddes (ridicule; what a person experiences)Vann di kinnah an shool voahra, missa si deela mitt shpoddes. Raise verb = uf zeeya (to raise children), Raised adj = ufgezowwa (raised, as in children). Eikelsounds like tzeikel when she says it! And just like eating only one stroopwafel from the package (instead of all of them at the same time like a giant sandwich), it would be a crime not to start with the infamous disease-based curses. Instead of appearing to demand that what they say is completely accurate, native speakers may put glawb ich at the end of a sentence (or Ich glawb / Glawb at the start) to soften a statement. One (of) = ayns (one of several; always used with funn) (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Sell is ayns funn di reesins es miah shaffa missa. Belief noun = da glawva (a persons faith, beliefs, or religion)Vi kann ich da recht glawva finna?Mach dei glawva shteikah. / right? Published adj = gepoblishtThe Directory is gepoblisht baut alli zvay yoah. Feelings noun = di feelings (not kfeelah) (opinions or emotions). It is this word "Deutsch" (German) that has led . Bart and Learn Dutch have an excellent summer school in Amsterdam where theyll actually teach you useable Dutch instead of a string of Dutch swear words: If you cant make it to his summer schoolsthen theres a better-than-good Youtube channel to subscribe too as well, with over 77,000 people hitting subscribe before you its probably the smart, and easiest way to start learning Dutch. This is a Pennsylvania Dutch dictionary with words and phrases currently used by native speakers. Pennsylvania Dutch Coloring Book. Kut lul kunt So for example, you could enter "ohio" and click "filter", and it'd give you words that are related to pennsylvania dutch and ohio. The words at the top of the list are the ones most . Tempted adj = getempt (often with sei or vadda). Christians noun = di Christians (pl) (more common)Veah sinn rechti Christians? It is very mild almost friendly. ) compare with saw (verb) and shpalda (verb)Si sinn di rekk shneida.Ich muss mei hoah shneida. Split verb = shpalda (as in to split something up or cause a division. And a klootzak is a common Dutch swear word which means something like scrotum or ball sack. [], [] can exchange languages. The only other situation where you should use one of these is never. Noch nett.Di mail is noch nett do. Repentant adj = recht sorry (use with form of sei or vadda), Resurrection noun = da resurrection (common), Return visit = viddah zrikk gay | return visit. Im a 36-year old Amsterdam native, and Ive never heard anyone use the term Franse Slag in my entire life. Additionally, after arriving to Pennsylvania, many German immigrants encountered objects and concepts for which they did not have words. pennsylvania dutch swear words Tatko na pesmaricu. I love the word, pannekuk (not sure if thats the correct spelling) Ive been called one in Amsterdam while inadvertently straying onto the cycle path. When = vann (See also Eb vs Vann language lesson). Ready adj = reddiBisht reddi? Dutch also combine swear words with other words for example kutfiets, klerezooi and they also use krijg de klere and so on. Get rid of (something) phrase = ritt vadda. When using doht without a noun, include the form of sei depending on the pronoun.Vann du bisht doht Da giant is doht uf da bodda kfalla! And heck, otherwise you can at least enjoy his nice videos on the experience of learning Dutch. One pro = vann (when refering to another person). Dead noun = di dohda (common, as a group)Kenna di dohda aekshli viddah layva? Being Dutch living for ages in the UK now, I still can't get used to the pet names: "flower" en "pet" or "son". What is one of the things many people learn first when they learn a new language? Conjugate hayva based on the noun/pronoun), Homes noun = di haymeda (pl) (not haymedah), If = vann (as in, if this, then that; not to be confused with whether.) Keystone. , oh damm. Yet = noch (as of yet; at the present time)(Not to be confused with still)Hosht du keaht funn da Mervin? Before = eb (in time or order, but not necessarily about the past) (Compare with previously)Miah zayla essa eb sell. Have you ever been so angry at someone that you verbally express your desire for them getting cholera? Open verb = uf macha (opposite of close)Mach dei maul uf.Ich zayl di deah uf macha. Argument noun = da argumenten grohsah argument. Deal verb = deela (to endure or handle; often used along with mitt). Including = including (as well as, in addition to)including shlimm veddah, earthquakes, un sacha vi sell. We ran like scared rabbits when she produced this treasure! Pennsylvania German, also called (misleadingly) Pennsylvania Dutch, 17th- and 18th-century German-speaking settlers in Pennsylvania and their descendants. Godverdomme I love the Dutch swear words. but I dont know exactly what it means. Fetch verb = hohla (to get or retreive something or someone)Ich zayld een hohla. Unhitched adj = auskshpandIs da donkey auskshpand? Did we cross the line? I am of the opinion that true swearing involves using the name of God and blasphemously connecting Him to a vile action or deed, as is the case with Godverdomme. Own pro = ayknesUf unsah ayknes kenna miah nettachtgevvauf alles. Lul = Asshole (not literally) Acceptable adj = acceptableSell is acceptable. . Prepared adj = reddi (to be prepared (ready); used with sei or vadda)Vass kann em helfa fa goot reddi sei fa di fasamlinga? Thinking noun = denkes (as in the way a person thinks; opinion, viewpoint)See also Thank, think, thinking language lessonDi veld iahra denkes is letz! Anyways, a lot of Dutch swear words are hard to translate into english. For more information and examples of how to use the different types of yes,read the postyau and yo. As much as language programs seem to always start with numbers, greetings or even colours, for many people the first word is a swear word. Remember verb = meind halda (as in keep in mind / continue to remember)Vass dutt ebbah inna race meind halda? Disclaimer: be aware all the words in this text are swear words, so be very careful if you think of using one of them in everyday life. (in british: let them piss off) or a specific person: Eberhard moet opzoute! Piled up adj = uf gepeild (used with a form of sei or vadda)Di ksharra sinn uf gepeild. Also, to the point made by John: I read somewhere that in the 17th century, English language was generally very colorful according to our standards, but any use of Gods name in vain was just abhorrent. Available anytime, anywhere, on any device. Keep up with verb = ufhalda mittSis hatt fa ufhalda mitt alles es am gay is in di news. Verbs that go with di drubb are conjugated for he/she/it not they. But its not as funny on a tile that way, so I understand , Also, you kindof forgot to mention the added swearwords. The top 4 are: ohio, german, german language and germany. Turn down verb = nunnah drayya (to say no to something) (conjugate drayya to the noun or pronoun)Du nunnah draysht may rawm boi. Big no-no there. kanker/kankerlijer (cancer/lijer means someone that has, so kankerlijer is someone that has cancer), tering (tuberculosis) > e.g. There are already a bunch of websites on the net that help you find synonyms for various words, but only a handful that help you find related, or even loosely associated words. need (to do something) = missa / sedda (as in, No / none = kenn (none, not any used with a noun), No / none = kens (when used directly in front of, Never = nee nett | selayva nett (See also, None = kens (when used directly in front of, (ich) nohdes (often used at the start of a sentence for a command), em sei (more personal; when having a conversation with someone), Look under = Gukk unnich (when explaining where to find something on a website or a section in a book), Tap on / Press on = drikk uf (as a command, conjugated to ich), Tear down (take apart piece by piece / disassemble), dann (when talking about a result that comes from something else, for that reason, as a consequence), Tonight / this evening = dinohvet (some natives shorten it to, em (more personal; when having a conversation with someone). Explain verb = auslayya (literally lay it out), The Faithful and Discreet Slave noun = Di Faythfel Slave Mitt Veisheit. Very difficult because my dad was born in Amsterdam and Im USA, and phonetically it is completely different. I think most Dutch speaking people (including me) know more and worse words than covered in this article. Its often the case that people combine the words together. Commonly used when talking about using an ax to split wood. Coming together phrase = am zammah kumma (progress is being made)Alles is am zammah kumma. I have no idea how the words were spelled in Dutch, and my parents would never tell us what it meant, not even as adults. Emigrating from southern Germany (Palatinate, Bavaria, Saxony, etc.) Worn out adj = ausgvoahraMei glaydah gukka ausgvoahra. Forenoon = fammidawk (See also Times of day). ) compare with to saw (verb)Ich muss hols shpalda.Iahra gmay is shpalda. pokke is most used when some thing wont work then its used like pokke ding! or when you try to make a scentence like Klere pokke tyfus!, My parents spoke Dutch in the home we live in CA now but it was a real fun show to watch and listen to the words they would throw against each other when they argued or got mad at one another .. Slet = Slut right? I think its needless to say that the following type of Dutch swear words and phrases are very much frowned upon by Dutch society. If you don't find what you're looking for in the list below, or if there's some sort of bug and it's not displaying pennsylvania dutch related words, please send me feedback using this page. Unharness verb = abkshadda (take off an animals harness), Unhitch verb = ausshpanna (an animal from a buggy or implement). . Acted out adj = ausgaektIch gleich awl di talks un sacha es ausgaekt vadda. It contains 21,314 Pennsylvania Dutch entries and 20,634 English entries. See also us). Quiet adj = shtill (see Shtill vs Alsnoch vs Noch vs Doch language lesson). You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by tapping the question-mark icon next to it. [], Haihai, stommerd is with a d. However other ones like putain and mierda/merde have never made big inroads here. The verb verdommen here is actually in the subjunctive mood, as it is indeed in the English curse also. That was years before I knew how to speak Dutch, so I was a bit confused because I thought she yelled out LOL!. Judged adj = gejudged (used with a form of sei or vadda). One other thing: my classmate also specialized in saying something I think was Jetje minnar (no idea how it was spelled as it wasnt something I ever saw in wriitng, only heard when she was upset about a test, but I think it meant For the love of God, or JesusCan anyone clarify? Hated verb = kast (PP)Da hund hott di katz kast. On a related note, put the word "Dutch" in front of pretty much anything and it sounds absolutely filthy, swearing or no swearing. That has been used when something terribly went wrong. Ellen says the Dutch swear a lot well, in 3 year that Ive been living here and sometimes working too, I have hardly heard them swear a lot. (to my personal distaste). business names, or pet names), this page might help you come up with ideas. Killed verb = doht gmacht (needs helper verb for whoever is doing the killing). @dima schele = Schielender. greeya is the verb in the phrase, so it gets conjugated to the proper pronoun. Krijg de klere = Fuck you (not literally). cute would probably be Kut, meaning vagina. You have not mention one swearword though. Eah is fann fa singa! But kloot is the same kloot as in klootzak. Recently = katzlichVass hott di Becky yusht katzlich gedu katt? Destroyed adj = distroit (usually accompanied by sei or vadda)Di shtatt zayld distroit vadda bei da shtoahm. Anything Ive heard I can multiply ten times in Hungarian, where use of the f-word is not the ultimate swearing, but a normal linking-word used several times a minute. The rather large built man on the bike shouted: hey pannekuk, you trying to get yourself hit by a bike? Try it out verb = ausboviahraIch habb en neiyah tool gekawft. Into / in = nei (usually grouped with a verb) (Compare with new)Vass kann uns helfa fa nett nei gevva zu temptations?Log nei. Another = nochSell is noch en reesin es miah shaffa free mieyets. Scheie! The phrase nett noch (or noch nett) can be used by itself as a sentence, or included as part of a sentence. (I was not happy about it and I let them know about it.). In Dutch the word is verdomme or godverdomme. Than = es (used to introduce the second element in a comparison)Da vann es di keah gmacht hott, hott may veisheit es miah henn. This last one sounds great to my Spanish ears, same, as the English b*ll*cks, but the latter example is another story. Check out the new guide. Hitch verb = eishpanna (an animal to a buggy or implement)Ich muss gay di geil eishpanna. This time = dessamohlAvvah dessamohl, voahra sacha diffand. Cut verb = shneida (often with scissors. Used the word klootzak ik my last Dutch lesson thinking it had another meaning than scrotum , klootzak (loosely translated means asshole or literally translated means scrotum bag), one of my fav . Healthy adj = ksundUnsah kinnah sinn ksund. Profanity Words. Sells en eesiyah vayk fa hohld greeya funn uns. 10. Force verb = forsaMiah kenna nett leit forsa fa ebbes du es miah vella. 2. Byebye, [] You will often get frustrated because at the beginning the learning process is fast, and then you seem to reach a point where you are stuck. Content of the Dictionary. (the (n) is unpronounced). Feature Image: Ryan McGuire/Gratisography Eikel = Asshole (not literally) Only use havvich when the verb order would put habb before ich; such as after time words/phrases, and in second thoughts in a sentence. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. Ruled adj = grooldSis di veesht velds groold is bei da Satan. Doubts noun = di doubts (pl)Ich kann dei questions ensahra vann du doubts hosht. Ah, let me add something about the narco language of above, regarding hijo de puta. Kid's stuff. Pennsylvania dutch definition, the descendants of 17th- and 18th-century settlers in Pennsylvania from southwest Germany and Switzerland. What it means in Pennsylvania: An adjective that has become synonymous with the Pittsburgh Steelers, in a surprisingly awesome (and not bad) way. The general rule for Pennsylvania Dutch is that all nouns are capitalized. Witness verb = witnesaVi kenna miah patient sei vann miah witnesa zu em sei family? Loaf noun = da layb (as in bread) compare with lion (noun)Ich habb en layb broht gebakka.Miah henn fimf layb broht. You practice on them and they practice on you (think about cursing in Dutch as well). Obey verb = heicha compare listen (verb)Miah missa Gott heicha. You might have noticed that some of the other Transparent Language blogs have started to cover swear words and now well go ahead and learn how to swear in Dutch. This article is wrong, and is wrong where you stated: Lets start at the beginning: (even though I am Dutch) It is not as bad as other Dutch curse words. Are you my mother and do you want to berate us for all these Dutch swear words? Thought noun = da thoughtSell is en goodah thought. Grown up adj = ufgvaxa (use with sei or vadda)Zayla dei kinnah goot bleiva vann si ufgvaxa sinn? Mei eldra sinn 70 dess yoah, glavvich. Kss meinen Arsch - Kiss my ass. 0 Views. Sometimes = daylmohls or alsamohl or etmohl (varies with region and dialect)Favass mechts daylmohls hatt sei?Miah henn feel leit assigned zu unsah group, avvah alsamohl, henn miah elf anri, es kumma funn diffandi bletz. Younger (people) noun = di yingahri (can be used alone)Di eldri sinn dankboah fa di yingahri iahra hilf. Today in the US, Pennsylvania Dutch is spoken by an estimated 300,000-350,000 Amish and conservative Mennonites, in 31 US states - mainly Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Wisconsin. Closed adj = zu gmachtS buch is zu gmacht. Think of it as more playful than hurtful. Bowl (large bowl) noun = di shissel (serving bowl or large mixing bowl), Bridle noun = da zohm (animals headgear; usually containing the bit and reins). Leave open / leave up (to) (a decision) verb = uf lossaLoss di doah uf. When used as part of a sentence, its usually noch nett. Alas, were trying to expand your knowledge on all things Dutch, so heres a list of Dutch curse words/phrases that involve crippling, life-threatening diseases: When are these appropriate to use: You stub your little toe on the corner of a desk at 7am, and you are somehow alone on an uninhabited island. Viool is a violin. and so on phrase = un so veidah (as in etc, etc). Dictionary for the Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsylvania German) dialect. Well, thats a great question. Let someone know phrase = vissa lossa (as in to tell someone something)Ich zayld si vissa lossa. Field service = di ministry (not feld deensht). Jeetje Mina. Fair enough. In Pennsylvania Dutch, though, it translates literally to "thy name let hallowed be." This passive construction, while permissible in standard German, is atypical of the mother tongue. Prepare verb = reddi greeya (literally, get ready) (Conjugate greeya based on who is preparing). Swearing starts with more obnoxious phrases, words in themselves seem to be mild, even though sometimes untranslatable creating swearing phrases seem to be a national sport indeed. If you have any feedback for the site, please share it here, but please note this is only a hobby project, so I may not be able to make regular updates to the site. Terrible. Dein is an independent possessive pronoun. If you really want to make an effort of learning Dutch we can highly recommend Bart de Pau and his excellent Learn Dutch website. Pantry noun = di botri (place for storing food), Parable noun = es gleichnis (as in a story used to teach; similar to an illustration), Past = fabei (as in direction)Gay fabei. About prep (as in concerning or in regard to) (See also prepositions lesson guide). Flat adj = flaettSi sinn ufs flaett dach funn iahra haus. How do I get started learning Pennsylvania Dutch? Or maybe you use that very phrase to tell your children to turn out the lights? Finish verb = faddich macha (conjugate macha) (Note: Both words work together but do not have to be right next to each other in the sentence. . Beneath it / under it = unna drohGukk an di piktahs un vasss sawkt unna droh. Welcome to DutchReviews swearing guide where well teach you all the Dutch insults you will ever need during your life in the Netherlands. A collection of useful phrases in Pennsylvania German / Dutch (Pennsilfaanisch Deitsch), a variety of Pennsylvania German spoken in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana in the USA, and in Ontario in Canada Jump to phrases. Use to live in eindhoven The nobles, who ruled, spoke Old French, a Gallo-Roman dialect descended from Latin and spoken in northern France, the ancestor of modern French. That all when it comes to profanity in the Netherlands? Or BOEREN! View verb = ohgukka (to look at something in a certain way) Compare with maynaBoviah sacha ohgukka vi dei partner dutt. Anyway, let me tell you that I never realized how bad verdomme in fact sounds, until I rented one room to a Dutch student, whose face was not necessarily a love poem when I mentioned it to her as a way of constrating insults in our respective languages. / isnt it? Because after that, I promise you, if you keep your efforts, therell be a click, and suddenly you will find it easier to start talking, you will notice you understand people around you, you will lose the fear. Wrinkly adj = runslichVann du shmohksht, zayld dei haut runslich vadda. 2. We say [God] damn [it] (the -s on damn is missing), not God damns it (indicative mood), expressing a hope or a wish, similar to Long live the king or Bless you (after sneezing). Jeetje Mina is very mild. These settlers originally came from German-speaking areas of Europe and spoke a dialect of German they refer to as "Deitsch" (Deutsch). Grew up verb = ufgvaxa (PP)Use with a form of sei.Dess is vo ich ufgvaxa binn. Its often used by the a-social type of teenagers, but its indeed very very frowned upon by most people. This is similar to putting I think or I believe at the end of a statement in English. They're, by the way, the most common swear words in Swedish; we haven't really jumped on that trend of references to someone's mother just yet. The spelling i know is not right but thats how it sounds in English. Dressedadj= gedrest (use with a form of sei or vadda)Diah sind shay gedrest heit. Not to mention, the tiles are pretty funny, but lekker pik is more like; Delicious/tasty, dick. Were just trying cover as many aspects of Dutch culture for you, our international reader fan-base. That is like using "Santa Claus" as a swear word. Sort of / Kind of / Type of = faVass fa challenges hott da Andy katt? Keep in mind that the Dutch like to use curse words even when they're not angry. The time Dutchies used cheese to defend themselves against the French, Learn Dutch with DutchReview! Steven Pinker, in The Stuff of Thought, lists five different ways we can swear:. Steak noun = di shtaykDi shtayk shmakt reeli goot. The most popular swear words Often, the words used in profanity by speakers of Dutch are based around various names for diseases. Genitalia Genitalia are by far the most popular and widely accepted to swear with. Mean verb = mayna compare with to have the opinion (verb)Sells vass ich mayn. , That's about all the pennsylvania dutch related words we've got! Although to be fair, in what language is it nice? Here are 11 sayings - some may call them silly but we'd disagree - that will only make sense if you're from Pennsylvania. Loud adj = laut (Compare with sound (verb) and out loud)Sellah hund is laut! In many cases, these words have evolved into slang, and many euphemisms for diseases are in common use. Noisy adj = yachtichDi boova sinn yachtich alli-moll es si Mt Dew henn. Sense = sense (not sens)Dayts nett yusht sense macha? Download verb = daunlohda (see other Technology Words). Weather noun = es veddahMiah henn samm shay veddah katt. Eindhoveners were lampendraaiers Folks from tilburg were called kruikenzeikers Dress verb = dressa (as in, to dress in a certain way. In 2017 people seem to dislike swear words and sex very much. When used as a pronoun, saym does not need da or di in front of it. He also used godverdomme and klootzak what something didnt work out or he hurt himself. Theater of popular music. Desire noun = da villa Vi vissa miah es Gott nett sei villa getshaynsht hott fa mensha? Used adj = gyoostEn trap is gyoost fa ess-sach greeya. Hes the one we called to explain all the tiny but important nuances of swearing like a Dutch sailor to us (sorry for cursing so much on the phone Bart!). That insult contrating talk, let me thinking: No wonder my partner and I are no longer together! All such content is copyright Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania and and used here under fair use. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with pennsylvania dutch, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. So if you want to impress your Dutch friends with some profanity, click here. Song noun = da song (see also metaphorical gender on how to use with pronouns)Ma gleicha da song. I will be glad. He was also known to use ouwe hoer under his breath at my Oma lol. In a language where normal words like Scheveningen already sound like unforgivable curses from Harry Potter, its good to at least recognize some of the basic ones. Si sinn nett dihaym.S nett en dawks fabei gayt, Peaceful adj = peaceful (does not change for the noun it goes with). Strength noun = di graftEah is da vann es uns graft gebt. (See example above). )Da class is beshteld alli Samshdawk. Straight = grawt (see also words, exactly and immediately)Hald oh grawt faddi noch da stop sign. Sometimes, older Deitsh words found in the dictionary or The Heilich Shrift (Bible) are no longer used among native speakers. [1] Go on, you can say it we wont blush. Affected adj = afektVi mecht ma afekt sei vann em sei job tshaynsht? (on) Purpose adj = poahbes (as in deliberately)Ich habb nett poahbes. Baptized adj = gedawft (use with a form of sei or vadda)Vass setsht du denka diveyya eb gedawft vatsht? None = kenn (none, not any used with a noun). Sis niemand do.---There's nobody here. Es waarken maulvoll gat.---There was nothing good about it. pennsylvania dutch swear wordsNitro Acoustic. One = ay (a single item) (See also ay, ayn, ayns, and vann language lesson)Ay mann un ay fraw. The woman riding the bakfiets yelled out Lul! as we just barely missed each other. Words of the Week yes = yau (to agree; opposite of no) yes = yo ( definitely yes or absolutely yes; for emphasis) Its perfectly fine to just use habb ich instead of havvich. Of them = funnaSamm funna henn parts missing.Vels funna gleichshts besht? See more. And nowhere online can I find a translation. Listen to audio and watch videos in Pennsylvania Dutch on, Check words used in the Watchtower Online Library (Pennsylvania Dutch version), Abbreviated Watchtower Study noun = Katzah Shtoddi Funn Da Vatshtavvah. Any quotes from the Bible are from The Heilich Shrift, by Wycliffe Bible Translators, Inc. Pennsylvania Dutch, Deitsh, Pennsylvania German, PA German, and Penn German are all names for the same language. Stuff noun = es shtoftDu kansht diffand shtoft daunlohdaNeiy shtoft funn da shtoah. Pet verb = shtreicha (lit to stroke)Shtreich nett da hund! Otherwise, just use ich habb.Vass havvich gedu heit fa veisa es ich respekt habb fa anri?Ich habb mei shoo faliahra. Put into verb = nei du (conjugate du to match the noun)Du di zeit nei vann da job faddich gmacht hosht. This is a dictionary of English and non-English words of the Pennsylvania Dutch dialect, providing Pennsylvania Dutch words and their English meanings as well as English words and phrases and their equivalents in Pennsylvania Dutch. Terrible adj = shlimm (awful) Compare with more intense versions worse and worst. (this) Evening = dinohvet (See also Times of day). Hassle noun = vattshaftSis en vattshaft! Swear words are cultural phenomena. I have been trying to figure out WTF it meant. For other uses for the word fa, see also the dictionary and the words For and To for additional meanings. In fact, you should only use these if youre alone in your room and theres no around you in a radius of 50km. Will be given verb = (eah/see/es) vatt gevvaSis zvay-dawk lang un vatt gevva bei di organizers. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, Search this page with Ctrl+F (PC) | Find on page (mobile). I havent been able to find a translation as I wasnt sure of spelling. Tobacco noun = da doowak (not doovak or duahk), Tomorrow morning = meiya free (See also Times of day), Tonight = dinohvet (See also Times of day). The website may provide links to other websites on the Internet, the content of which is not in our control.

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