Direct link to lgcunni1's post why do the conservatives , Posted 4 months ago. a. the middle class We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. which of the following has been the US government's preferred approach to dealing with natural monopolies? I am also minoring in Ethics, Public Policy, Science, and Technology (EPPST). discounts from suppliers leads to a single-firm industry. 17. The power to lower the budget deficit. d. some states do not have any citizens who need the benefits provided by noncontributory programs. a. raise interest rates so that banks can earn more money on the loans they provide to individuals and businesses. WebThe U.S. government began developing a social welfare policy during the Great Depression of the 1930s. A high-level overview of liberal, conservative, and libertarian views on the appropriate role of governmentinsolving social problems. Politicians are susceptible to these demands because they are interested in financial contributions that business actors can offer. I feel like its a lifeline. c. a scarcity of affordable housing. Americans view welfare beneficiaries as "undeserving". d. 30; 45 Medical researchers followed 6272 Swedish men for 30 years to see if there was any association between the amount of fish in their diet and prostate cancer ("Fatty Fish Consumption and Risk of Prostate Cancer," Lancet, June 2001). b. particularly acute for single mothers. The cost-of-service regulation is quantified based on the productions costs incurred plus a fair profit. The Chicago school of economics, known for its advocacy of laissez-faire economics, focused instead on private interests as the source of regulation. social. - Definition and History, Government-Business Relations in Global Business. WebThis is the second of three volumes containing a report from the International Panel on Social Progress (IPSP). A third definition of regulation moves beyond an interest in the state and focuses on all means of social control, either intentional or unintentional. b. African Americans have experienced twice as much unemployment as other Americans. It emanates from allowance and authorization by the government to a private entity to own, manage, and control public entities and property. a. WebSocial Regulation the development by government of legislation to prevent monopolies and encourage competition is known as Antitrust laws who were the first to oppose the economists generally conclude that the government has generated large net benefits from deregulating _____. While regulation and deregulation in the United States can be identified closely with specific political leaders and parties, a growing literature investigates what mechanisms lead to the diffusion of regulatory reforms across countries or policy contexts. 30. \text { Small Part of Diet } & 2420 & 201 \\ d. food stamps c. The power to lower the total national debt. The elderly are perceived as deserving benefits from the government. WebBased on self-determination theory (SDT), the main goal of this study is to analyze dispositional flow and social physique anxiety (SPA) that could be predicted by gender, BMI and motivational regulations and to examine motivational regulations, dispositional flow and SPA of college students in terms of stage of change for exercise. *2. are the same as the laws in the European Union. WebBased on self-determination theory (SDT), the main goal of this study is to analyze dispositional flow and social physique anxiety (SPA) that could be predicted by gender, for monopolies that have developed naturally, antitrust laws have typically been applied _____. e. Men are more likely to be poor than women. copyright 2003-2023 which of the following is more concerned about the conditions under which goods and services are produced as well as their impact on society from the physical qualities of the goods themselves? the treatment of mergers as it relates to antitrust law is based upon the combination of existing firms and their effect on ______. b. contributory Privatization emanates from the movement of ownership of public property and public entities from a government to a private entity that can then own, manage, and control them. According to Vygotsky, human development relies on social interaction and, therefore, can differ among cultures. It forces persons to get obeyed social decisions. d. Social Security redistributes wealth from younger workers to older retirees. a. increased use of noncash assistance In the economic tradition, deregulation refers to the elimination of specific controls imposed by the government on market interactions, in particular the attempt to control market access, prices, output, or product quality. In the 1950s American economist Marver H. Bernstein described the rhythm of regulation as a life cycle of regulatory commissions, with phases of gestation, youth, maturity, and old age. d. American political values tend to discount the needs of youth. On the other hand, liberals tend to oppose government intervention into areas of private life, such as laws restricting contraception or same-sex marriage. Libertarians do not believe that government should regulate morality or the free market. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. d. 1935 To the nearest whole percent , what percent of the Trac er's annua l receipts were d. noncontributory; noncontributory An example is the Airline Deregulation Act that was put in place in 1978. Taxes are levies that employed individuals and businesses must pay to the government as revenue. c. food stamps 9. a. a. sharp rises in house prices. a. d. These programs underwent drastic reform in the 1990s. Conversely, economic regulation explains the regulation of private entities and d. changing needs of each recipient. Selecting the type of regulation to apply to a sector of the economy will have major impacts on the targeted institutions and on the potential for success in achieving Self-awareness 54. Web*55. d. 40 What do public opinion polls reveal about welfare policies? Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. e. by the federal government, with benefit levels varying between states. d. through private agencies with governmental contracts. Regulation used to be depicted as the enemy of free-market interactions. 1798 A(n) ________ benefit is one where potential recipients must document their genuine need. prevent market price from equaling marginal cost. d. now a moot point in the United States. e. both b and c, the power to expand and contract the amount of credit available in the United States. Corrections? Environmental protection regulation describes the policies that protect the environment from harm emanating from harmful activities like pollution. c. by the states, with benefit levels varying between states. c. take money out of circulation so that the dollar becomes more valuable. A) a better quality of life through a less polluted environment, better working conditions, and safer and better products. President ________ vowed "to end welfare as we know it." Part of the reason welfare programs became so unpopular was that a. Democrats support higher levels of public spending than Republicans. a. WebBeing aware of the progress towards one's goals is considered one of the main characteristics of the self-regulation process. This perspective considers the market as an efficient allocation mechanism of social and economic welfare while also cautioning against market failures. a. African Americans Customs Union Theories, Advantages & Examples | What is a Customs Union? Web21) The major goal of social regulation is. Which of the following is an in-kind benefit? b. b) Is this a test of homogeneity or independence? the authority to put a stop to "unfair methods of competition and commerce" rests with which entity? d. The federal government provides only some of the funding for these programs, and, as a result, citizens receive very different levels of benefits in different states. a. the welfare that is distributed by local governments and special districts They can be treated as benefits that can be spread widely in response to many demands. d. The recipient has been considered deserving. by the states, with benefit levels varying between states, *26. The theory of economic regulation has been criticized for its risk of tautology. 1933 During this time, known as the Progressive Era, the movements goals involved strengthening the The power to change tax rates. A cost of living adjustment is based on the a. popular and receive wide support. increasing marginal returns and the ability to obtain quantity Assuming each of them pays $300, then the first person is deemed to have cross-subsidized for the last one for $50 since the last one has paid $300 for a phone worth $350, while the last one has paid $300 for a phone worth $250, hence creating a balance where the total amount of the phones is paid up. However, many scholars came to believe that some regulations facilitate competition whereas other regulations impede competition. WebChronic obstructive pulmonary disease ( COPD) is a type of progressive lung disease characterized by long-term respiratory symptoms and airflow limitation. b. Relevant & Irrelevant Costs: Definitions & Examples, Worker Productivity: Definition & Statistics, Issue Management Process | Public Relations Issues. 7. 25. promote competition in interstate commerce. e. groups that provide the most to government through their tax dollars, groups that are most politically powerful. China is hurting our kids with TikTok but protecting its own youth with Douyin. A. c. It made foreclosures almost impossible under the law and allowed many people to stop paying their mortgages with no monetary penalties. b. a. When a firm merges with a company that does not product inputs it needs to make its products or does not sell similar finished goods and services, it is called a ____ merger. These interests and approaches are both place-specific (they apply to a particular area of jurisdiction) and time-specific (they are established to reflect the conditions of transport It can also be defined as the principles that an authority puts up to determine the direction a system or process takes based on the statutes laid. A large company in the northeastern United States that purchases fish from local fishermen and distributes them to major companies and restaurants is considering launching a new ad campaign on the health benefits of fish. Additionally, a tourism company cannot operate without an employee completing a visa requirements course. The Social Security Act, signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1935, created Social Security, a federal safety net for elderly, unemployed and behavior (methods used to restrict competition).structure (size and market share). e. The elderly tend to vote more than younger people. 276 lessons. Personal freedoms that the government cannot abridge, particularly those guarantees found in the Bill of Rights. Because children with autism have many characteristics that make their behavior difficult for a single therapist to modify, incorporating self-management into a treatment package is especially advantageous. 1929 The right to be free of government scrutiny into ones private beliefs and behavior. The concept of regulation points to the rules that structure the behaviour of individuals within a given context without postulating where the rules come from and how they are imposed. Direct link to Iron Programming's post The word "civil" relates , Posted 2 days ago. 11. a. the middle class Question 1 options: First, the patterns of behavior which are regulated by institutions ( institutionalized") deal with some perennial, basic problems of any society. To heighten efficiency: The government tends to believe that private entities are more efficient because they are motivated by profits, which makes them cut costs to achieve that objective. I am a fourth-year Biological Sciences major concentrating in Molecular and Cellular Biology at Cal Poly SLO. c. The poverty rates for African Americans and Latino Americans are more than double that of non Latino white Americans. e. inflation, 24. The government collects taxes as a primary source of revenue to enable it to fund public services. WebSOCIAL LEGISLATION. Thus, interest groups compete for specific policies in a political market for governmental regulation. It demonstrated that the government could choose between the deserving and undeserving poor in a more objective manner than private charities. The private entity to which the ownership is transferred is required to pay maintenance fees and render tax payments, and the government then generates revenue therein. c. 1930 The power to raise or lower the tax rate is part of ________. e. single mothers, 68. In this perspective, many scholars preferred using the terms reregulation or regulatory reform instead of the term deregulation. Cross-subsidization is where a group of consumers pay lower prices while others pay higher prices to cater for the inequalities and create a balance. Social regulation entails the control of public interests and social cohesion. How citizens respond to these questions can reveal sharp divides in their opinions on the appropriate role of government in shaping society, known as, Derived partly from shared interpretations of. e. Social Security. It allowed many new mortgage companies to form, offering "predatory" loans that people could not afford to repay. d. are clearly laid out in the Constitution. It is often difficult to identify exactly who or what leads to the rise or fall of regulatory reforms. This strategy aims to create a balance that is inexistent in inequalities. He has work experience in Business and Finance and he can relate well to any such related material. The central tenets of conservatism may vary in relation to the culture and civilization in which it appears. ProstateCancerNoYesNever/Seldom11014SmallPartofDiet2420201ModeratePart2769209LargePart50742\begin{aligned} c. The existence of these programs dates back to the Civil War. regulators seek to establish rates by setting price equal to, outlaws some forms of price discrimination., UNESCO chief urges tougher regulation of social media. c. The federal government provides only some of the funding for these programs, and, as a result, citizens in each state receive exactly the same level of benefits. b. Medicaid Ivan Kennedy has experience teaching College-level Business Management for the last 4 years. They receive widespread support as long as they are means tested. d. subsidized student loans c. George H. W. Bush regulations so that. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. e. the 1980s. In certain sectors, such as e-commerce or telecommunications, international agreements had become decisive for controlling the market behaviour of individuals. public schools that are free to design special curricula. Government regulations can be depicted in many ways in a country. Progressivism as a reform tradition has always focused its moral energy against societal injustice, corruption, and inequality. d. often These measures dictate the human activities that individuals and industries should not engage in and those to engage in to prevent negative effects on the environment. For example, liberals endorse minimum wage laws, arguing that without government intervention businesses will take advantage of employees and economic inequality will increase. As in the context of the EU, scholars of regulatory reform also became interested in regulation at the international level. c. graphing economies of large-scale production are substantial, leading to a. c. a contributory program Which of the following groups are more than twice as likely as other Americans to be below the poverty line? e. are consistent across the different states of the United States. I would definitely recommend to my colleagues. only the funding of the regulatory agencies. The periodic adjustment of benefits or wages that takes into account the increased cost of living is called ________. a. the 1890s *3. b. the 1920s First, with the evolution of economic theory, several scholars have questioned the understanding of market failure underlying the explanation of government regulation. This research points out the case of Lebanese Salinas c. 65; 25 Scholars recognized that some interactions of market participants, product standards, or processes were no longer regulated through state intervention. c. 1936 a. If the government previously managed the enterprises, the ownership and control are transferred to a private entity. In political economy, it refers to the attempt of the state to steer the economy, either narrowly defined as the imposition of economic controls on the behaviour of private business or, more broadly, to include other governmental instruments, such as taxation or disclosure requirements. a. place time limitations on how long a recipient could receive benefits. Which of the following is the strongest factor in predicting which groups in society receive the most benefits from government's social policies? Therefore, when competition heightens, efficiency is inevitable hence the reason for privatization by the government. WebWith the end goal in site I will ensure that my day to day work is prepared in such a way that its easily understood and provide clarity to all that need to peruse it. e. similar to those of social programs of other countries. Conceiving regulation as a tool for overcoming market imperfections, however, has been criticized on a number of points. d. numerous amendments made to the Constitution in order to protect the rights of veterans of foreign wars. Lebanese sea salt is historically known as “white gold”. b. WebWhereas Snyder's theory focuses on hope as a mechanism to overcome an individual's lack of motivation to achieve goals, the other major theory developed by Kaye A. Herth deals more specifically with an individual's future goals as they relate to coping with illnesses. Other studies of regulation have aimed at characterizing different policy regimes or, more ambitiously, state capacity. Moderates would be either people who don't have a strong opinion on most issues, or people whose opinions are split. It showed that the government could efficiently distribute public assistance. b. foreclosures. a. reflect changing views about which risks should be borne by the individual or shared by society. Which of the following LEAST explains why the elderly receive a large share of social benefits? What is Object-Oriented Analysis & Design? e. Democrats in recent decades have supported cuts in social spending. a. b. a. the military ________ are government grants of cash or other valuable commodities, such as land, that are used to promote activities desired by government leaders. 61. Examples of economic regulation include the control of the Federal Reserve on banks to determine their reserve requirements and the regulation of wages to determine the minimum wage of employees. Traditional coastal sea salt production now survives mainly in the coastal city of Anfeh, and is facing various constraints due to regulations, as well as environmental threats which affect the quality of the sea salt. When the government is more aggressive about enforcing antitrust laws, the number of legal actions taken by firms who feel that trade is being restricted in their industry: in the 1982 AT&T case and the 2000 Microsoft case, the remedies from guilty verdicts were, to divest Microsoft into two competing companies with different operations but was rescinded, natural monopolies should be encouraged provided that regulation ensures ____ benefit from the monopolies' lower per-unit costs, The Celler-Kefauver Act amends the _____ Act. b. low levels of literacy in America's inner cities Additionally, privatization could also refer to the movement of a private sector to a private sector. 49. b. 71. 20. The original justification of government intervention in economic interactions was public interest. Price-fixing is considered to be a ____ ____ violation of the antitrust laws, social regulation may lesson competition by. It helps in choosing behaviour and fulfilling ones desire for social status. The reforms have reduced the number of people on welfare but have done little to reduce poverty, 43. WebMain Transport Policy Instruments 4. Government privatizes to lower their expenditure and heighten taxes. Deregulation in an industry or economy translates to the removal of cross-subsidization and the cost-of-service regulation. The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is another agency that formulates social regulations to ensure that the products available are consumer-friendly and safe for consumption. Public Affairs Departments in Businesses: Role & Functions, Government's Non-Regulatory Influence on Business, The Cost and Benefits of Regulation in Business. regulation of natural monopolies and regulation of cartels. Which of the following statements about the No Child Left Behind Act is FALSE? Your firm's implicit cost of capital is $10,000, and your opportunity cost is$20,000. Contributors receive benefits in strict proportion to their contributions, 23. B. e. These programs are relatively unpopular when compared to contributory programs. b. indoor relief b. a tax credit given to all people who are unemployed and do not have health insurance coverage. c. churches and religious organizations 4. e. minorities, 58. The main change in welfare policies since 1996 is ________. d. Most members of Congress are themselves elderly or soon will be. Which of the following statements about Social Security is FALSE? Business, Government & Society: Interactions and Influences. c. Contributors receive benefits in strict proportion to their contributions. a. Noncompulsory benefits c. Recipients are always required to pay back the subsidies. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. &\begin{array}{lrr} It helps in proper socialization of the individual. There are no longer enough poor children to make a difference. *29. *33. competitive is known as. regulation, in government, a rule or mechanism that limits, steers, or otherwise controls social behaviour. A government regulation infers the set of rules that the governing body of a country establishes to impose control on the different activities in the country or the conduct of the citizens therein. Medicare was established in ________. Regulation was considered necessary to overcome those difficulties. c. the elderly e. unemployment rate. B) to make sure Second, economists have pointed out the often considerable transaction costs of imposing regulation, which might make it an ineffective policy tool and harmful to social or economic welfare. They also strongly support government spending on the military and national security. a better quality of life through a less polluted environment, e. 1968. c. relationship between the level of the federal deficit compared to the nation's gross national product. To increase taxes and lower government expenditure: When a government is in debt, it may opt to privatize a particular sector to reduce expenses. Other studies pointed at patterns that govern the behaviour of certain actors without reference to a unitary subject of regulation. 65. Construct a table that computes the standard deviation for each combination of type, market cap, and risk. Examples of government regulations are financial regulations, taxes, and environmental protection regulations. She spent ten years in consumer marketing for companies such as Nielsen Marketing Research, The Dial Corporation and Mattel Toys. Understand the meaning of a regulation, know what government regulation is, see some examples of government regulations and explore types of government regulations. This industry's Herfindahl index would be. These programs may provide public housing, food stamps, and school lunches. A regulation is defined as the practices established to control and manage an activity or process. When the financial institutions are subjected to these rules and regulations and follow them to the latter, the financial system is deemed safe and secure. a. the creation of new state based insurance exchanges b. equality of opportunity d. The reforms have led to an increase in the number of welfare recipients. AARP has a membership of approximately ________ members. Increased cost of living adjustment is based upon the combination of type, cap. 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