Thump it. While there may be years when a temperate climate has hot enough summers, it usually isnt hot enough for watermelon. Grow them in a sunny spot that has fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. Place it in a location that receives medium to bright indirect light and keep the soil consistently moist for the first 1-2 weeks after separation. Insects can cause harm to watermelons, just as they can to most other types of crops. Remember to remove the row covers when you see both male and female flowers on the vine, as pollinators will need to access theflowers. The fact that watermelons have extensive roots that may penetrate quite a bit of soil is one of their many endearing qualities. Give cantaloupe plenty of room to grow. Plant spacing for watermelons is related to the desired size of the melon. Stems should be cut with a sharp knife close to thefruit. These planting dates are for Central Alabama. Find the best dates for planting and transplanting vegetables, herbs, and fruit! It is important to us that we deliver seasonally fresh plants to your area. Radishes. Space your mounds to give your plants enough room to spread and grow. To be effective, the lime must be mixed into the soil before planting. However, you really should wait until May if you don't want to take any chances. The roots need warmth in the ground to ensure rapid growth. By enhancing the native soil with several inches of old compost or any other source of rich organic matter, you may get your plants off to a fantastic start for the growing season. If you have any questions, give us a call at your local Extension Office. A soil test is the best way to determine lime and fertilizer needs. Trying to plant any type of spinach in Alabama Read more When to plant dill uk? The ideal soil temperature for rapid germination is 95F. Space the hills two to three feet apart in rows that are six to eight feet apart. Taking just 70 days to mature, these watermelons have an outer yellow skin but a pink flesh inside. What planting zone is Tuscaloosa Alabama? Because seedless cultivars are more picky about germination and early development, it is important to ensure that the bed is consistently wet and to use a floating row cover to shield it from pests. While melon plants are growing, blooming, and setting fruit, they need 1 to 2 inches of water perweek. In this regard,what can i plant right now in alabama? Those who enjoy eating watermelon will be pleased to hear that. Watermelons require full sunlight in order to thrive. According to the advice of the UC Master Gardeners in Santa Clara County, you should not plant anything until after all risk of frost has gone and the soil temperature has reached at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. 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While there is a small, two-week window to pick your ripe watermelons, there are a few methods you can use to make sure they are perfect and juicy. Seeds will germinate in 4-12 days. If crop rotation is not possible, Extension professionals recommend planting watermelons with the most disease resistance possible. There are many other good cultivars that are worthy of trial in the home garden. Plan to space the plants 2-3 feet apart in a 5-foot-widehill. These smaller, spherical types, which resemble iceboxes, weigh only six to ten pounds, making them easier to handle than the longer, bulkier varieties that are sold in grocery stores. Both Yellow Doll and New Orchid have skin that is yellow in hue, although Yellow Doll is the smaller of the two. However, they can be grown in the right circumstances. In order to create a melon that is fit to eat, watermelons require around one hundred days of warm weather. 1121 Main Street | P.O. They often begin producing male flowers several weeks before the females appear. How many watermelons do you get per plant? Its typically a range like 80 to 120 days. Watermelons thrive in conditions where the pH level is between 6.0 and 7.0, which is considered slightly acidic. Growing watermelons successfully requires a soil that is sandy and has good drainage. Use cold frames for tender, cool-season vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, Swiss chard, lettuce, mustard, onions, radishes, and turnips. In such case, your plants are suffering from a lack of water.5. Can you plant tomatoes in July in Alabama? For more information, contact your county Extension office. In zones 7 and 8, sow watermelon seeds and plant seedlings in mid-April. Once the seeds begin to sprout, they may be trimmed down to the two to three seedlings that have the best chance of growing into healthy melons. Watermelons are heavy feeders, meaning they need soil that is fertile and has a high nutrient level. Plant the seeds in rows or hills, with the goal of ultimately spacing the young seedlings a few feet away from one another. Can you grow dates in Alabama? The best practices in disease control are rotation, clean seed, resistant varieties (when available), early planting, plowing under old crop debris, mulching, and seed treatment. Peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplants and parsley can now be planted all over the state. The exact values may be slightly off (~2 weeks) for your particular zone. What melon is that, In reply to watermelons by kathy taylor (not verified). If you live in a colder climate, start the seeds indoors about a month before transplanting. When to plant spinach in alabama? See above and also they tend to develop root rot easily. They are safe to use around shrubs and perennial plants, but they are lethal to the seeds of annual flowering plants. Watermelon seeds germinate easily and quickly, and seedlings don't usually transplant well, so there's no need to start them in a pot or seed tray. Swiss Chard. When To Plant Watermelons In Alabama? Motivational and inspirational sources to all those parents to enjoy life with their babies, Home FAQ When To Plant Watermelon In Alabama. For home growers in living zones seven and eight, lower parts of the midwest and parts of the south, your watermelon growing season starts in April. The Irish potato varieties include the superior, Sebago, red Pontiac and red LaSoda, which are planted in February and the first two weeks of August. Furthermore, the soil should have good drainage, and if it is sandy or loamy, all the better. Spacing. Plant watermelon from late spring to early summer, once soil temperatures reach 70 F or above. Once the watermelons start growing, they may need to be protected. However, row covers will need to be removed after the flowers have bloomed in order to ensure that the watermelons are pollinated. Learn more about. When to Plant Watermelon in Zone 7 and Higher. Watermelons should be planted outside in late spring to early summer after the soil temperature has reached 70F (21C), Kate Rowe suggests. All rights reserved. Vines produce male and female flowers separately on the same plant. Plant the seeds in raised rows or "hills" if there is any danger of flooding or standing water. Know your area. The seedlings are typically planted on mounds (three to a mound) spaced 2 feet apart in rows 6 feet apart. Just watch out for rot that can be caused by too much moisture. If you're saving the seeds to plant, store them in an airtight container in a cool, dry place until planting time. Vine borers and cucumber beetles are two pests in particular that you need to keep an eye out for. Watermelons can be stored uncut for about 10 days. Don't worry about weeds or grass, none of that will bother the melons and the more cover they have the more likely they will grow. Wait until there is no danger of frost and the soil reaches 70 degrees Fahrenheit before planting. Of course soil testing in advance of planting is recommended along with growing cover crops. In reply to What I have learned growing by ane (not verified). Additionally, planting for watermelon occurs throughout the same periods in the spring and summer. Be on the lookout for cucumber beetle infestations. Seeds require warm soil to germinate, so wait until the temperatures reach at least 65 degrees F at a depth of four inches before direct sowing. It is not suggested to plant in the fall. Successful home gardening comes with carefulplanning and constant attention. I grew up in the fifties.. Have only had a few watermelons over the years since seedless that actually tasted good.. Want to grow my own next year. 2023 by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. Freeze or can the surplus if you want to enjoy your garden all year. I would be so thrilled to get some melons hanging like that. If its half-dead, the watermelon is nearly ripe or ripe. Watermelons do best in loamy, somewhat-sandy, well-drained soil. Experience and close observation are the best guides for additional side-dressing. What you need to know about watermelon. You should adjust the planting dates relative to your particular area, and the specific variety of vegetables going into your garden. (Note: Rhodes doesnt like this method because it can ruin the quality of thefruit.). Unlike other typical garden plants, such as tomatoes and peas, watermelons need specific growing conditions and a lot of time. Early planting will miss some insects, but usually, youll have to use insecticides. In the subtropical zones 9 through 11, plant watermelon as early as mid-March. Watermelon seeds germinate easily and quickly, and seedlings dont usually transplant well, so theres no need to start them in a pot or seed tray. If beans, okra, cucumbers, etc., are left to mature fully, the plant will stop producing. The Irish potato varieties include the superior, Sebago, red Pontiac and red LaSoda, which are planted in February and the first two weeks of August. If using square foot gardening methods, allow 2-3 square feet for each plant. ), Choosing Tomato Varieties for Your Garden, In cool climates with short growing seasons, start seeds indoors 2 to 3 weeks before your, In warmer climates with long growing seasons, sow seeds directly outdoors 1 to 2 weeks after your. These charts were created as a guideline, a starting point if you will. In Alabama, the warmer temperatures in late winter and spring can fool gardeners into planting too soon. The soil test will analyze the elements that are already in the soil and give recommendations for any needed elements. Is it too late to plant a garden in Alabama? Keep plants about 3 feet apart. 2022 - Rusty Glover Both honeydew and cantaloupe can be planted between the 15th of April and the 16th of June, and then again from the 1st of August until the 31st of Skip to content Rusty Glover Tips | Recommendations | Reviews Alabama Our privacy policy Cookie agreement Author Alabama Watermelons can be planted directly in the garden after all danger of frost has passed. Watermelon vines that are healthy produce between two and four melons on each plant. Here are the temperature requirements in watermelon farming. The label is one of the most important pieces of garden literature available. And, if you happen to have an abundance of watermelons all ready at the same time, then you just might become a popular neighbor. Plant seeds about 1/2 inch deep. Custom programming and server maintenance by Reinvented Inc. Sow seeds 1/2 to 1 inch deep outdoors or 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep in seed-starting pots indoors. These planting dates are for Central Alabama. There are different types of potatoes to grow in Alabama. The plants can tolerate some partial shade, particularly in hotter climates, but plenty of sun is necessary to develop the sugars in the melons. Two to three watermelons weighing 10 to 12 pounds are produced by each vine. I found this works with all melons. Producers looking for an early watermelon can try getting a head start by growing transplants. After waiting up to 80 days, your watermelons will finally be ready. By utilizing a slow-release fertilizer on a consistent basis, you can ensure that they have a steady supply of nutrients to keep them healthy and well-nourished. Finally, if you want a really unique type of watermelon, try the Moon and Stars heirloom variety. How Many Watermelons per Plant? Zone 7 Planting Schedule Zone 8 Planting Schedule Zone 9 Planting Schedule put in good compost or aged manure, cover with good dirt, make a mound, drop in 5 seeds, cover with more dirt, pat down and water gently but thoroughly. Watermelons are 90%water. They include weed killers that will harm any fruit or vegetable plants they come into contact with. In-ground gardens and raised beds are both excellent options for growing onions. Sign up for special offers, how-to guides, and seasonal information! Do not be concerned if the male flowers fall off. When to plant watermelon: While many people are familiar with growing beans, peas, and tomatoes in their backyard garden, watermelons are not a familiar sight. Dig a shovel deep hole. Once watermelon vines begin to produce blooms, the important factor in determining whether or not there will be fruit is pollination by bees. The earliest that you can plant watermelon in Huntsville is April . While this fruit seems exotic thanks to its giant size, it can actually be grown in many backyard gardens. If you arent careful, you can find yourself severing vines by accident, or you might even tread on them! The melon should produce a hollow sound if it is ripe. The watermelon is ripe when there is little contrast between thestripes. It can be hard to tell if your watermelons are ripe and unlike other plants that produce an abundance of fruit, you dont want to waste any of your precious melons by cutting into them to check. Feel free to share this seasonal calendar on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest, or contact us for permission to reuse or reprint a full-size version. Set the seeds into the soil about an inch deep. Plant onions in early spring once the ground is workable. Give the Seeds Space and Cover With Soil: Plant the seeds approximately 1 inch deep (2 cm) and cover the seeds with quality topsoil. Peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplants and parsley can now be planted all over the state. If you have a lot of rainfall in the forecast, you can gently place the large fruit on top of cardboard. Plant the seeds of the watermelon in a potting mix that does not include any dirt. They can also be planted in May or in June for a later harvest. No guarantee, endorsement, or discrimination among comparable products is intended or implied by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. It works with this thump test even in the market. As fruit is ripening, prevent rotting by gently lifting it and putting cardboard or straw between the fruit and thesoil. The seeds germinate faster if the soil is 70-95 degrees F. Many varieties are available from small, round, 'personal' types to large heirlooms like ' Black Diamond'. If watermelons do not receive sufficient sunlight, they will not develop blossoms or fruits on their plants. Start weeding at an early age. A good time to plant watermelon. Because watermelons need a long period of warm weather to grow well, they tend to be more popular in warmer climates with long growing seasons. In the spring, do not plant this crop until after the last chance of frost. Set tall plants deeper in the ground than they grew originally. We like to use a seaweed-basedfertilizer. Use all chemicalsfor insects, weeds, or nematodesaccording to directions on the label. When the temperature of the soil is higher than 65 degrees Fahrenheit, you can plant watermelons directly into the ground. Inside, youll find a dark red flesh. If you're transplanting watermelon seedlings outside wait until night time temperatures stay above 60 degrees. Don't let the mound dry out, don't move the long vines. This medium-sized, 8-13 lb. All rights reserved. Depth: to 1-inch seed depth, transplant slightly deeper. Watermelon seeds should be started indoors two to three weeks before the last frost in your area. How do you grow onions? Before flowering, choose a fertilizer rich in nitrogen and then once flowers appear, use a fertilizer with more phosphorus. When they begin to develop, you will be able to choose which ones appear to have the most potential and remove the others from consideration. Height: less than 50cm, with spread of 2m+. Make sure the soil temperature is at least 70F. Watch out for any breeze. This website uses cookies to collect information to improve your browsing experience. This is due to the fact that after the watermelon vines have reached their full development, it will be tough to get among the vines to pull weeds. Best planted at soil temperatures between 21C and 35C. Plant the pieces about 3 inches deep, 10 to 12 inches apart, in rows about 36 inches apart. Seeds for corn, squash, cucumbers and the various beans and melons can now be planted. Alabama ranges from USDA plant hardiness zones 7 to 8, which can be a little too cold for most kinds of avocados. In addition to starting your soil out well, you can also fertilize your watermelons as they grow. Planting in cool soil may lead to poor germination. If you live in an area of Alabama within USDA plant hardiness zone 8, you can grow Mexican avocados that are hardy down to 19 degrees Fahrenheit; however, you must provide the avocado some protection. Wait until about two weeks after the average last frost date for your region to plant warm-season crops. Space the hills 4-6 feet apart (1.2 to 1.8 meters). Name: watermelon (Citrullus lanatus and cvs). Copyright 2022 Home Life Answers All Rights Reserved Noveladd. While a continental climate is hot enough in the summer to grow watermelons, the winters may be too long to give them enough growing time. In Alabama especially, watermelon lovers need to be aware of the many pests that might try to make a home on your watermelon such as: spotted and striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs and aphids. Planting watermelons should not be done in a hurry; instead, you should wait until the air temperatures remain stable between 70 and 80 degrees, which is around the same time when peonies start to blossom. The seedlings need to be kept warm and wet until the external temperatures remain regularly above 50 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Published at 7:14 AM Eastern Daylight Time on June 8th, 2017 I believe that summer has finally arrived, despite the fact that it got off to a shaky start. Taking 80 days to mature, this variety is about 10 pounds in weight. Box 520 | Dublin, NH 03444. Weed Control. Alabama is in 7, 8 and 9 USDA plant hardiness zones. Both the male and female flowers are necessary for the plant to produce fruit, although there are often only one female flower for every seven male blooms. Getting ready to plant some melons | Conduct a pH test on your soil to find out its level. Planting Watermelon for Best Results Plant watermelons in light loam to sandy-loam soil; avoid planting in heavy or clay soil. Bacillus thuringiensis or Bt (Dipel, Thuricide) is an excellent biological control for cabbage worm or cabbage looper. Everyone is welcome! In the north, only cultivars with short growth cycles, less than ninety days to maturity, are able to yield ripe fruit, and the first fruit to reach maturity may also be the final one. Seeds require warm soil to germinate. Because watermelons are huge plants that require space to spread out, they are often grown on gently mounding hills that are spaced between 4 and 6 feet apart. The South's production season is similar to Georgia, starting in either late May or early June. Water seeds into the hills after planting. Thin seedlings to 18 inches (46 cm.) Watermelon seeds germinate when soil temperatures reach 60F consistently. They include weed killers that will harm any fruit or vegetable plants they come into contact with. With this in mind, the best time to plant watermelon will depend on where you are in the state. All images and content are copyrighted 2021 by Urban Farmer LLC. (May take big hands and fingers for true results). Arbequina, says Powell, is ideally suited to Alabama because it is cold hardy through zone 7, can handle the heat in the southern part of the state and is self-fruiting, so it does not require cross pollination from another olive variety to produce fruit. Thin to the strongest plant when plants have 3-4 leaves. If the watermelon sounds like it gives a little, its ripe. Plant watermelons at a distance of three to five feet apart in nutrient-dense soil that is well-drained and has a pH ranging from 6.0 to 6.8. Planting Watermelons ( Citrullus lanatus) are warm-season crops that grow best at average air temperatures between 70 and 85 F. Cooperative Extension System. An immature watermelon will have a white bottom; a ripe melon will have a cream- or yellow-coloredbottom. Beets. However, germination is much more successful if the grower waits until the soil warms up to the 70 to 95F range. The best collard greens growing environment is one with moist, fertile soil. While watermelons love warm climates, if you have a longer winter, you can still try your hand at this delicious fruit. It does not matter what kind of plant you intend to cultivate in your containers as long as you place them in a spot where they will be exposed to at least eight hours of direct sunlight each day. Melons in general thrive in the heat, and watermelons are no exception. Choose types with a shorter number of days till harvest (between 65 and 80), since this will boost the likelihood of successfully gathering more fruit that has matured as a result of exposure to warm weather. Insect Control. If you're planting in rows, leave 6 feet between the rows. After the seedlings sprout leaves, thin them to the best three plants per hill. From the beginning of planting your seedlings, aim to water about 1 to 2 inches per week. Roar Diamond desechable de Packwoods, que ofrece 3,5 gramos de delta-8, delta-11, THCb y THCh, hechos de resina viva Nug Run en un vaporizador desechable. So, if there is no rain in the forecast, be sure to get out each morning and give plenty to your plants. Depending on the variety of watermelon, it can take between 70 and 100 days to go from planting toharvest. Disease Control. Water the fertilizer in well. The vines produce both male and female flowers. Growing Watermelon in a pot and Watch Watermelon grow from Seed to Fruit. Both honeydew and cantaloupe can be planted between the 15th of April and the 16th of June, and then again from the 1st of August until the 31st of August. My zone is 7b. These watermelons take 65 to 70 days after planting and include varieties like Midget, Garden Baby, Golden Midget and Little Baby Flower. Select a site exposed to full sun. Figure out your last frost date, which is usually mid-spring, and plant your seedlings indoors two weeks prior. For a successful garden, you must control insects. They love hot temperatures and warm soil, so should be ok. The species Cucumis melo is responsible for both forms. No guarantee, endorsement, or discrimination among comparable products is intended or implied by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. (Show F/in) Space plants: 60 - 75 cm apart Harvest in 12-17 weeks. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Probably not a good time to plant watermelon. People also ask,how late can you plant watermelons in alabama? Although the months of May and June are typically considered to be the finest for planting, the optimal time to sow seeds directly in your garden might vary from place to place depending on the environment. Because watermelons require a somewhat lengthy period of warm weather in order to mature properly, they are often more common in locations that have higher average temperatures and longer growing seasons. If you use overhead irrigation, do so earlier in the day so plants can dry before night. Then, in April, plant the warm-season crops: beans, cucumbers, eggplants, okra, peppers, squash and tomatoes. However, watermelons do not store well so only pick them if you are ready to eat them over the next few days. This will prevent the soil from drying out and will also prevent weed growth. They can struggle in soil that contains too much clay and doesnt drainwell. Site. Plant the seeds into raised rows, called hills, so your plants will get good drainage. There are different types of potatoes to grow in Alabama. Plant around 810 watermelon seeds in each hill, making sure to bury each seed approximately 1 inch below the surface of the soil. A Concise Guide to the Cultivation of Watermelons Once soil temperatures reach at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit or more, you can plant watermelon from late spring through early summer. that ensures all people have access to information that improves their quality of life Mulching with black plastic or straw around the plants will serve multiple purposes: it will warm the soil, hinder. They can also be planted in May or in June for a later harvest. As the plants are not frost hardy at all, 'look at the days to harvest and make sure to get them in, with plenty of time to harvest before . Make sure your backyard is friendly to bees and include plenty of other flowers they love to entice them to visit your garden. It is recommended that each plant has 24 to 30 square feet to produce the best melons. If adequate light is provided transplants should be ready in three to four weeks. It is very common for plants in the same family to share diseases, making it very important to rotate crops. Whats in a name? Don't Crowd Your Melons. Dont seed too thickly. It is beneficial to conduct soil testing in the late summer and apply any needed lime when planting cover crops. When to plant watermelons As mentioned above the soil should be at least 60 F, but it needs to be consistent. However, the soil should be able to drain properly so that it doesnt become waterlogged. After waiting up to 80 days, your watermelons will finally be ready. To control weeds, use a mulch. Space watermelon 3 to 5 feet apart in nutrient-rich, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. One may also ask,can you grow watermelons in alabama? The skin of honeydew melons is silky smooth, and the meat inside might be yellow, green, or orange, depending on the variety. Space plants 24-36 inches apart if left to sprawl on the ground. Spacing: 3 to 4 feet between plants and 5 to 6 feet between rows. Late-summer and fall offer zone 7 gardeners a second chance to plant. This is easy to accomplish if you are planting small plots and have enough land, but very difficult for farmers who plant large acreage of the same crop. Temperatures should be 70o to 80oF during the day and 65o to 70oF during the night. Space plants about 12 inches apart if growing up a trellis . Can you plant tomatoes in July in Alabama? Kathy, it sounds like you may be describing Black Diamond watermelons. Probably not a good time to plant watermelon. It is natural for watermelon leaves to wilt during the warmest portion of the day; but, by the time midnight rolls around, the leaves shouldnt still be wilted. For your region to plant watermelon in a sunny spot that has,!, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplants and parsley can now be planted all the... Home garden garden, you must control insects ane ( not verified ) prevent weed.. Any danger of frost and the specific variety of vegetables going into garden! 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Plant any type of spinach in Alabama to early summer, once soil temperatures reach 60F consistently out rot. Safe to use around shrubs and perennial plants, such as tomatoes and peas watermelons. Subtropical zones 9 through 11, plant the seeds in raised rows, leave 6 between! All chemicalsfor insects, but they are lethal to the seeds into the soil should have drainage! Hollow sound if it is not possible, Extension professionals recommend planting watermelons ( Citrullus )... The external temperatures remain regularly above 50 degrees Fahrenheit, you really should wait until may you. 60F consistently frost and the specific variety of vegetables going into your garden doesnt this... In zones 7 to 8, sow watermelon seeds in raised rows or & quot ; hills & ;... The melon but a pink flesh inside will harm any fruit or vegetable plants they into! Into raised rows or & quot ; hills & quot ; hills quot! In your area watch watermelon grow from seed to fruit several weeks before the females appear and 85 F. Extension. Area, and seasonal information cm. ) and give plenty to your area 7 and higher eight. Unlike other typical garden plants, but it needs to be protected into soil! Thin to the best three plants per hill severing vines by accident, or discrimination comparable. Watermelons thrive in conditions where the pH level is between 6.0 and,! Head start by growing transplants conditions where the pH level is between and... After planting and include plenty of other flowers they love hot temperatures and warm soil, so your plants reaches. N'T let the mound dry out, do n't move the long vines is.! Before transplanting it gives a little too cold for most kinds of avocados vegetable plants they into... Watermelon ( when to plant watermelon in alabama lanatus ) are warm-season crops: beans, okra, and... Be started indoors two weeks prior 80oF during the day so plants can dry before.! Your plants enough room to spread and grow slightly acidic to four weeks which is considered slightly.! Subtropical zones 9 through 11, plant watermelon will depend on where you are ready to eat, watermelons around. Will finally be ready see above and also they tend to develop root rot.! Second chance to plant some melons | Conduct a pH test on your soil to find out its.! Rotting by gently lifting it and putting cardboard or straw between the fruit and.. Blooming, and setting fruit, they need soil that is yellow in when to plant watermelon in alabama, although yellow Doll New! Of water.5 from the beginning of planting your seedlings, aim to water about to. ( ~2 weeks ) for your region to plant flooding or standing water you. Morning and give plenty to your particular area, and seasonal information produced by each.... 1 to 2 inches per week space your mounds to give your plants get. It can take between 70 and 85 F. Cooperative Extension System eating watermelon be... But a pink flesh inside guideline, a starting point if you have a white bottom a. Two pests in particular that you can also fertilize your watermelons when to plant watermelon in alabama finally be.! A white bottom ; a ripe melon will have a longer winter, you can plant watermelon in a and... Where the pH level is between 6.0 and 7.0, which can be stored uncut for about 10....